Saturday, June 5, 2010

Pink Picks

I'm working on a little project that is going to require a lovely shade of pink paint. I have narrowed it down to three choices, but I am having a difficult time deciding which to select. Maybe I should pick based on best paint color name... Okay, that doesn't help much either as it is a two way tie between "Merry Pink" and "Child's Play". Which is your favorite?

For a list of all things pink and wonderful pop over to the blog of our fabulous hostess Beverly.
Happy Day!


Naturegirl said...

love those names!Pinkalicious!
Happy PS!

Nancy said...

Oh, Merry Pink! I like the name. Happy Pink Saturday!

Gabriela said...

Happy Pink Saturday!

I take Prominent pink, love it!

~ Gabriela ~

Rebecca said...

They are all so wonderful! Love the name, "Merry Pink"...but "Child's Play" is sweet too! Can wait to see what you decide!!


Cathy said...

Hi Melissa,

Love those pinks! My favorite has always been Benjamin Moore Wispy Pink!

xo Cath

Brenda ~ The Heminger Farmhouse said...

Hi :) I'd go with Merry Pink...sounds so festive :)

Happy Pink Saturday!
Warmest, Brenda

claudie said...

i think I like Merry Pink also, but then I have all three colours in my house : )
OMG Melissa, I just got my bracelet in the mail. Girl, I LOVE IT. It even looks better in person. i'm so anxious to show it off. You are amazing...but I think I must owe you a little more money. You paid $20.00 to ship it to me, and only charged me $12.00????
Please let me know if I owe you more.
I will feature "my charm bracelet" on my next Pink Saturday post. I'm on a blogging break, but I will certainly let you know when I show the girls.
Again Thanks so much, I LOVE IT.
Love Claudie

Marina Capano said...

I´m preferer
sw 6845
child´s play for painting the wall.

At the moment I´m working in my daughter´s room and a room is like pink color. I love it!!!

besos y abrazos from so far!!

Deborah Kay at The Paint Splash said...

Childs play is the one I would pick. Check out my pink post...I used almost the same colors. Debbie

Sherry from Alabama said...

I love them all! Sorry, no help here.

Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

Maggie said...

Oh those names are fun!

The Artful Diva said...

I'm still working my way through PS posts. I'm glad I found yours. It is terrific!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm still visiting the PS-participants ;-)

So, Happy Pink Saturday to you, or shall I say Happy Pink Week...?! XX Esther