Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sweet Ride

With summer just around the corner my Sweetie decided to get his black beauty out of storage and get it all shined up for weekend spins. He always wanted an all American muscle car as a teenager, but he had to wait till his thirties for that dream to become a reality. He painstakingly restored what was once a white, beaten up, single owner 1968 Ford Mustang to the souped up ride you see above. Whenever I am trying to think of something to blog about, he always says, "Why don't you write about the Stang?" This comment is always met with an eye roll from me, but this time I decided to humor him. After all, he did spend a lot of time getting it all slicked up, and he deserves some props. He should really enjoy what time he has left with this car though.
Because I know a little girl who already has dibs on it.


vivian said...

nice! We are a FORD family! Lots of them around here!

Old Centennial Farmhouse said...

We have a 'stang, too! I love yours, and your little driver, she's too cute. Ours is a 67 and I love this time of year when Sally can come out of the barn and get driven a little bit! I would love to hear yours running! LOL! Love your blog, been a lurker for a while now, I think this is my first comment!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I though she wanted the nanie-mobile! It's a more practical car for the little daredevil!

Love, Your Sister

Debbie Demmers-Adkins said...

A good friend of mine had a mustang....what a great reminder of days gone by!!! deb

The Vintage Rabbit said...

i love it!!!

Glad you did a post about it!!!

Hope you are doing well!!!


Renee said...

Nice car.

My uncle had a Mustang convertible when I was a teen. How I wish my dad had bought that car for me instead of my brother.