Hi sweet friends! It's Spring Break here but I had to pop in and say hello. We have had a fun filled week which included a trip to a really wonderful zoo. My baby girl obviously does not have the same aversion to birds that her mommy does. This was one of the first exhibits upon entering and she RAN to see it. I stood back at a "safe" distance to... you know...take the picture. LOL! Trust me, I was ready to bolt if these pink monstrosities even looked at me wrong. Never fear, daddy was close at hand if mommy freaked out. Fortunately no mommies were harmed while obtaining this footage.
She calls them her "pink mingos". We like the sound of that so they are officially "mingos" to us too. Hope you all have a great Friday!
Aww how cute. Why the aversion to birds? I'm the opposite, I find them so smart and beautiful. I had a little parakeet that was so amazing that he will go into my all time favorite pet hall of fame!!
aw thats so funny! mingos... haha to cute!
My daughter called them mingoes too. She called the vacuum a mingoe and whenever it was turned on she'd yell, "mingoes!" and run around near it. I guess it was the long neck that did it. It was funny. Now she's seventeen and still calls it the mingoe.
Your little one is just adorable .soooooooooo cute !from sesga xx
My daughter had "mingos" too!
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